
Sharing previous credits from Studyinfo web service

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

Studyinfo is a web service where you can examine your credits from previous studies in Finnish secondary or higher education. You can also share your credits from Studyinfo for recognition of prior learning.

1. Go to Studyinfo web service (

2. Select My Studyinfo in the upper right corner.

3. On the right side of the page there is an area called My completed studies. Select Proceed to studies (requires identification).

4. You must identify yourself to use the servce. Identification can be done by using bank credentials, Mobile Certificate, or identification tokens of other countries that use Finnish Authenticator app (“Ulkomaalaisen tunnistustavat, Yhteiseurooppalaiset tunnistustavat ja Finnish Authenticator -sovellus” at the bottom of the page). Select the way of identification you want to use, and identify yourself.

5. The information window shows which of your personal data are transmitted from the identification to the service. Select Jatka palveluun. 

6. You will be transferred to the site where you can find your previous studies. Select Share study information to start the sharing process.

7. Select the information about your studies you want to share. There are three different levels of information you can share: Full details of the studies you select, Completed qualifications, and Active and finished studies. The list of studies you see under the menu depends on the selection.

8. Tick the boxes of the studies you want to share. You can select multiple studies.

9. Select Share the studies you’ve selected.

10. The link has been created and is ready to be shared. Select Copy link. You can create and share multiple links for different purposes, set an expiration date for the links, and delete links. You can also preview how the links will look (See what the transcipt of records looks like in the browser).

11. Send the link to your coordinating teacher via email or Wilma message.