
Logging in to Moodle if you have not been given an Omnia email address and you have logged into Omnia’s Moodle before

Estimated reading: 1 minute

Note! The Moodle mobile application is not recommended nor supported in Omnia.

1. Open the site in a web browser.

2. Click the Click here if you have not been given an Omnia email address ( or and you have logged into Omnia’s Moodle before button.

3. Click the button Log in without the email address received from Omnia.

4. Type your email address into the Username/Email field and your password into the Password field. Then click the Log in button.

You will be directed to the Moodle front page. Click the Dashboard button to view your courses.

If you’re having trouble signing in, you can read this guide: Resetting your Moodle password.