
Changing the password

Estimated reading: 3 minutes

Note! This instruction does not apply to Työväenopisto customers who have a Moodle account created with a personal email address. If you are a customer of Työväenopisto, please follow this instruction:

Note! If you have forgotten your password or it has expired, you can change it by following this guide:

1. Open the address in your browser.

If you want, you can select the language in the top right corner.

2. Click the Kirjaudu itsepalveluportaaliin Omnia tunnuksella (O365) button. In English, this translates to Log in to self-service portal with your Omnia account (O365) button.

3. If necessary, log in with your Omnia account. For example, or Click the Seuraava button. In English this translates to ‘Next button.

4. Enter your password and click the Kirjaudu sisään button. In English, this translates to Sign In button.

5. Perform multi-factor authentication. Instructions: Monivaiheisen tunnistautumisen käyttö – Microsoft Authenticator.

If you have not yet enabled multi-factor authentication, here are the instructions for it:

6. Click the Aktivoi tili tai vaihda salasana button. In English, this translates to Activate Account or change password button.

7. Under Uusi salasana, enter a password for your user account. In English, it is under New password. Pay attention to the password requirements.

A passphrase should always be used as the password, regardless of the location of use.

For example, flyingfishpieisonthemoveagain is a passphrase. By adding misspellings and special characters, we can create a strong passphrase. For example, flying fish pie IZONTHEMOVEAGAIN 220/kmh. Note that even spaces count as characters.

More information on the National Cyber Security Centre Finland’s website: The longer the better — How to create a strong password | NCSC-FI (

Next, click the Jatka vahvistukseen button. In English, it is the Continue to confirmation‘ button.

8. You will see a summary. Click the Vahvista button. In English, it is the Send button.

9. The password has been changed. Log out of the service by closing all browser windows.

In order for the password to work in all Omnia systems and services, at least 5 minutes and at most 4 hours must pass after it has been changed. Logging into the page should work immediately after the password change.